Sunday, June 18, 2017

Book Day Fun

What a great time we had on Friday with our annual Book Day Parade! The children turned out as their favourite book character and we joined the whole school with a walk around the block. After we wrote some stories we enjoyed Captain Carson's book reading.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Room 15 students have been thinking about what Good Sportsmanship looks like, sounds like, and feels like. We created a padlet with our thinking.

Made with Padlet

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Matatihi - Maia's Journey of Bravery

Our tamariki enjoyed the performance today from our friends at the Court Theatre with this year's show, Matatihi - Maia's Journey of Bravery.
The wonderful thing about this performance was that it incorporated all four disciplines within the Arts - Dance, Drama, Visual Art, and Music.
It's not an easy task to keep over 400 students engaged and focused for 40mins but Kim, Albany and Jane did it beautifully, and we loved it!
Thank you to Kim, Albany and Jane for an amazing performance.

Tom gets to try on Pouakai's mask

We loved these props!

All the props are made from recycled materials - Titi was made from an old mop.

It's been a big day for Pouakai

This performance was based on a lot of different stories from people in our local area who have been brave and who have a story to tell.
When did you last feel brave? Who helped you to feel brave?